Designing a feature with a Bonded Blind
Bonded blinds and Bonded Panel Glides are a great alternative to Roman Blinds or Drapes. Using traditional roller blind system such as a spring or chain drive a fabric is bonded to a plain roller fabric. Not all fabrics are suited to bonding so choosing the correct fabric is important to get your bonded blind to stick to the backing fabric.
These allow you to pick fabrics and bond them to a polyester block-out backing. Bonded blinds (or bonded roller blinds) and Bonded Panel Glides can be a real feature in the room allowing you to be truly decorative and provide a unique
finish to your home. Although restricted to cottons and poly-cotton blends, there is a wide variety of bold patterns and subtle plains that will suit any room, this extends your available styles of fabrics to decorate your windows. Bonded Blinds co-ordinate beautifully with other furnishings such as curtains, bedding, furniture and cushions.
Bonded blinds can be finished in many ways. Dress them in formal areas, add bonded or padded pelmets, tassles, cut-outs, singly or multiple folds, shapes and even consider curtains. The options are many and varied.