Note All Roller Blinds are created equal.

At Taylor and Stirling we make our own roller blinds and often we get asked to cut down blinds made by “ready made”suppliers that don’t fit the window as indicated.   All roller blinds are not the same, there are lots of factors that make up price difference, it really depends on how long you want your roller blind to last, these are just some of the factors we think you need to consider when looking at price of roller blinds;

  • Fabric – There are lot that separate fabrics, even at the entry level – Vinyl’s.  They have many different factors that dive their price, from the base cloth, number of coats of coloured vinyl, stain treatment, how it rolls, manufactured without harmful petrochemicals  and warranty.  All these cause a difference in price per SQM of you blind.  Its like comparing aluminium foils, a no-name product rips when you pull it out and is significantly thinner, yet the branded product you can pull and treat rough and it doesn’t rip, however unlike foils your blinds should last 10+ years.
  • Aluminium Tube – our lead lead-in image explains this, our base tube is just significantly strong its doesn’t warp or sag after you put the blinds up.  Dip in the summer and cause bagging.  Sometimes we get presented with cardboard tubes, can we fix it, yes we can, but its new tube and winder, pin and brackets.
  • Winder – Again the quality of the plastic and size of the winder are the main difference here, often the cheaper ones just don’t last in the harsh Australian Summer, all out fittings come with a 5 year warranty.  Sometimes these cheap fittings on wider blinds just fall apart under the load.
  • Pin End – again some of the pin ends, we see which is the opposite end to the chain are just made from the thinnest plastic, again we see these breaking down in Summer Sun or larger blinds.
  • Brackets – Like tube they are just made so much thinner the metal can be bend in your hands, you cant do that with our brackets.
  • Size – Often the blinds don’t have the same coverage, this includes both the width and drop.  Often the widths, show tube and thus let in more light, when installed in the recess of the window.  The drop on the box is the drop, which means if you have a window 1800mm you will see the tube if you by a ready made blind with a drop of 1800mm, where as we add 300mm onto the drop.