BAL-FZ Roller Shutter Protection Systems – BAL-FZ

BAL-FZ Tested and Approved Bushfire Roller Shutters for Increased Safety.  Every year, the risk of bushfires in Australia is particularly high on days when the weather is hot and dry and there is a northerly wind. Since 1851, bushfires have wreaked damage costing an estimated 1.6 billion dollars, and according to a national research institute, our continent faces “dangerous decades” ahead. The bushfire season will begin earlier and end later, scientists predict. By the year 2020, the number of calendar days with an “extreme” fire danger rating is expected to have risen by up to 65 %. For this reason, all materials for buildings in bushfire-prone Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) rated areas must be certified in accordance with the relevant BAL standards. heroal bushfire systems meet all BAL-Flame Zone (FZ) requirements.  The Heroal system is a stainless steel roller shutter with motorised control with either plain 240v, 240 Override or 240 in conjunction with UPS.  You will still require standard windows with 5mm toughened glass for BAL-FZ compliance.

Full details of BAL-FZ roller shutter brochure is here

BAL-FZ Shutter

First approved bushfire safety shutters for the highest Bushfire Attack Level Flame Zone was the Sonnenschutz barn door shutter, Sonnenschutz shutters make it now possible to use standard windows with 5mm toughened glass for BAL-FZ compliance. These new fire resistant shutters meet the AS3959-2009 and AS1530.8.2.

Their BAL-FZ shutters achieve this level of safety through:

  • Reinforced steel frame finished in durable powder coat
  • Patented panel technology
  • Dedicated shutter hardware with multi-point lock/latching
  • Intumescent seals